In order to be active and able to do the things we enjoy throughout our lives, we need a healthy thyroid gland.
Since my husband developed hyperthyroidism, we wondered how long ago it began. We began to think about how long he had been unable to work without being over-tired. It was not just a week or two. How long had his feet and hands seemed cold to the touch. This has been going on for a few months or maybe longer. Maybe more than a year. We just didn't get it checked out. We thought he was overdoing things or not sleeping well. On this page I am sharing with you the things I learned about thyroid.
I learned that the thyroid gland is an organ in the front part of a persons neck just below the adams apple. It is shaped like a butterfly. It is important for regulating our metabolism in concert with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. The thyroid gland makes and releases hormones to help our bodies function properly. Thyroid also affects so many parts of your body including skin, bones, kidneys, brain, digestive system, muscles, and the heart, . If the thyroid isn't functioning as it should, a person will feel bad - maybe tired all the time. Not only did hyperthyroid make my husband feel tired, it affected the rhythm of his heart causing him to have atrial fibrillation (this according to the cardiologist).
The most important thing we learned is that hypothyroidism can lead to atrial fibrillation, which happened in my husband's case, so it is good for people and especially older folks to pay attention to their body. If it does not function as you think it should, if you are tired with no cause, see your doctor.
Because of my husband's weak kidneys, we have always taken his blood pressure quite often. This is what warned us that we better get to the doctor. His blood pressure was usually normal, but we began to notice that his pulse was elevated. After a few days of high pulse which reached 160 one time, we felt something was wrong and went to the doctor who sent us straight to the hospital. It is better to find out this way than to wait for the pain. This was not a warning about the hyperthyroidism, but about the atrial fibrillation caused by the thyroid being "out of kilter".
The thyroid gland is a small organ in your throat shaped like a butterfly. It releases hormones that control important body functions.
The most common disease of the endocrine system in the USA is diabetes. Some other problems are hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and hypoglecemia.
The thyroid gland is part
of the endocrine system,
so you would see an endocrinologist for thyroid problems.
Some of the functions are:
weight control
heart rhythm
body temperature
and much more
Now that we know, we recognize that my husband has had symptoms of an endocrine system disorder for while. I hope someone reading this will be able to catch their disease before it makes them sick.
I have learned that if you have a serious problem such as cancer or nodules or cysts which interfere with thyroid function, a doctor can surgically remove the thyroid gland. You may need medication the rest of your life, but you can live a normal life.
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